Monday, August 27, 2007

The good old days of science writing

"... a golden age when scientific papers were written in a discursive style that you could understand, and at a length that made it possible to visualise a real person doing real experiments in a real laboratory."

This quote refers to a paper on sponges from 1907 and it's from The Ancestor's Tale by Richard Dawkins.


I've written a few more descriptions of research, one on a cool map of Angkor (as in Wat), one on the movements of olden (as in 500,000 years) day humans / homos / hominins / whatever you wanna call 'em. Are Europeans really Asian? Well, it's a complicated story.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Climate change meets defence

A very interesting discussion of the Australian Government's latest words on defence includes a pointed reference to an elephant in the room: the impact of climate change on global security, which it seems the Government ignores.